Sunday 3 March 2013

Dresses like this you just can't go wrong with, you can literally wear it with anything!! Dress it up with heels and some statement costume jewelry or dress it down with a jumper and boots! The options are endless!! This dress is £39.99(£40 really..)  from Zara, and although it's not cheap you could certainly get your wear out of it!!
Basic Fashion Rules
  • Don't put something on your skin that you wouldn't put all over your body
  • If you are going to buy heels, buy them from somewhere you trust, a cast round your leg is not a good look
  • Don't only get stuff because your friends have it,that isn't very interesting is it?
  • If you don't like it, don't wear it
  • (Kinda related to the last one) Just because it's expensive or designer doesn't make it nice
  • Find out what suits you.... AND WEAR IT!!

Saturday 2 March 2013

WELCOME TO framecake!!!! framecake is a fashion blog designed by teens for teens with quirky ideas to help with your fashion journey(cheesy but sums it up pretty well)!!

If dodos weren't extinct I'd probably have one as a pet so here is this gorgeous jumper from Topshop by JW Anderson,  £65!! Anybody fancy getting it for my birthday??

OOOOH... How uncool is this  girl? I mean, this song is like oooold! It's a cool song though and its another cool top from Topshop(my favorite high street shop if you haven't guessed!!) As well as that, it's more affordable at £23.